Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
advect1dRank1 | mod_domain | Function | Computes the advective tendency for the domain instance given the desired
advection method as an input function and the number of halo cells. This
function works only in cases where |
advect1dRank2 | mod_domain | Function | Computes the advective tendency for the domain instance given the desired
advection method as an input function and the number of halo cells. This
function works both when |
advect2dRank2 | mod_domain | Function | Computes the advective tendency for the domain instance given the desired
advection method as an input function and the number of halo cells. This
function works both when |
advectCentered2ndOrder | mod_advection | Interface | |
advectCentered2ndOrder1dRank0 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u [m/s] and grid spacing dx [m], using a second order centered differencing. Fields f and u are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
advectCentered2ndOrder1dRank1 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u [m/s] and grid spacing dx [m], using a second order centered differencing. Fields f and u are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
advectCentered2ndOrder1dRank2 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u [m/s] and grid spacing dx [m], using a second order centered differencing. Fields f and u are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
advectCentered2ndOrder2dRank0 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the 2-d advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u and v [m/s] and grid spacing dx and dy [m], using a second order centered differencing. Fields f, u, and v are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
advectCentered2ndOrder2dRank1 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the 2-d advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u and v [m/s] and grid spacing dx and dy [m], using a second order centered differencing. Fields f, u, and v are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
advectCentered2ndOrder2dRank2 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the 2-d advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u and v [m/s] and grid spacing dx and dy [m], using a second order centered differencing. Fields f, u, and v are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
advectUpwind1stOrder | mod_advection | Interface | |
advectUpwind1stOrder1dRank0 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u [m/s] and grid spacing dx [m], using a first order, positive-definite upwind differencing. Fields f and u are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
advectUpwind1stOrder1dRank1 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u [m/s] and grid spacing dx [m], using a first order, positive-definite upwind differencing. Fields f and u are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
advectUpwind1stOrder1dRank2 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u [m/s] and grid spacing dx [m], using a first order, positive-definite upwind differencing. Fields f and u are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
advectUpwind1stOrder2dRank0 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the 2-d advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u and v [m/s] and grid spacing dx and dy [m], using a first order, positive-definite upwind differencing. Fields f, u, and v are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
advectUpwind1stOrder2dRank1 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the 2-d advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u and v [m/s] and grid spacing dx and dy [m], using a first order, positive-definite upwind differencing. Fields f, u, and v are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
advectUpwind1stOrder2dRank2 | mod_advection | Function | Computes the 2-d advective tendency of an input field f given the advective velocity field u and v [m/s] and grid spacing dx and dy [m], using a first order, positive-definite upwind differencing. Fields f, u, and v are defined on a semi-staggered Arakawa C-grid: |
assign_array_1d | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Assigns a 1-d array of reals to a |
assign_array_2d | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Assigns a 2-d array of reals to a |
assign_spectrum_array_1d | mod_domain | Subroutine | Assigns a 1-d array of |
assign_spectrum_array_2d | mod_domain | Subroutine | Assigns a 2-d array of |
backward_euler | mod_time_integration | Interface | |
backward_euler_domain | mod_time_integration | Function | Integrates a domain instance forward in time using a 1st order implicit backward Euler integration scheme. |
backward_euler_spectrum | mod_time_integration | Function | Integrates a spectrum forward in time using a 1st order implicit backward Euler integration scheme. |
constructor | mod_domain | Function | Constructor function for the domain object. |
constructor | mod_spectrum | Function | Constructor function for the spectrum object. |
constructor_1d | mod_grid | Function | |
constructor_2d | mod_grid | Function | |
diff | mod_utility | Interface | |
diff_1d | mod_utility | Function | Returns a centered-difference of a 1-d array, with first order
differencing applied for the boundary points. This procedure is overloaded
by the generic procedure |
diff_2d | mod_utility | Function | Returns a centered-difference of a 2-d array along dimension dim, with
first order differencing applied for the boundary points. This procedure is
overloaded by the generic procedure |
diff_periodic | mod_utility | Interface | |
diff_periodic_1d | mod_utility | Function | Returns a centered-difference of a 1-d array with periodic boundary
conditions. This procedure is overloaded by the generic procedure |
diff_periodic_2d | mod_utility | Function | Returns a centered-difference of a 2-d array along dimension dim, with
periodic boundary conditions. This procedure is overloaded by the generic
procedure |
domain_add_domain | mod_domain | Function | Returns a sum of two domain instances. |
domain_add_real | mod_domain | Function | Returns a sum of a domain instance and a real number. |
domain_div_domain | mod_domain | Function | Returns a division of two domain instances. |
domain_div_real | mod_domain | Function | Returns a division of a domain instance and a real number. |
domain_mult_domain | mod_domain | Function | Returns a product of two domain instances. |
domain_mult_real | mod_domain | Function | Returns a product of a domain instance and a real number. |
domain_sub_domain | mod_domain | Function | Returns a difference between two domain instances. |
domain_sub_real | mod_domain | Function | Returns a difference between a domain instance and a real number. |
domain_type | mod_domain | Interface | |
domain_unary_minus | mod_domain | Function | Returns a negative domain instances. |
donelanHamiltonHui | mod_spectral_shapes | Function | The omnidirectional spectrum function based on the laboratory and field measurements by Donelan, Hamilton, and Hui (1985). |
donelanHamiltonHuiDirectionalSpectrum | mod_spectral_shapes | Function | Returns directional frequency spectrum based on the laboratory and field measurements by Donelan, Hamilton, and Hui (1985). Includes the high frequency form for beta_s found by Banner (1990). This function invokes the DHH omnidirectional spectrum and the directional spreading functions to compute directional frequency spectrum: |
donelanHamiltonHuiDirectionalSpreading | mod_spectral_shapes | Function | Directional spreading function based on the laboratory and field measurements by Donelan, Hamilton, and Hui (1985). Includes the high-frequency form for beta_s found by Banner (1990). |
elevation | mod_linear_wave_theory | Function | Returns the elevation [m] of a sinusoid wave given its amplitude [m], wavenumber [rad/m], and frequency [Hz]. |
eq | mod_domain | Function | Logical equality comparison function. Overloads the |
eq | mod_spectrum | Function | Logical equality comparison function. Overloads the |
exact_exponential | mod_time_integration | Interface | |
exact_exponential_domain | mod_time_integration | Function | Integrates a domain instance forward in time using the exact exponential. |
exact_exponential_spectrum | mod_time_integration | Function | Integrates a spectrum instance forward in time using the exact exponential. |
forward_euler | mod_time_integration | Interface | |
forward_euler_domain | mod_time_integration | Function | Integrates a domain instance forward in time using a 1st order Euler integration scheme. |
forward_euler_spectrum | mod_time_integration | Function | Integrates a spectrum forward in time using a 1st order Euler integration scheme. |
frequencyMoment | mod_domain | Function | Returns the spectral frequency moment of order n. |
frequencyMoment | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the spectral frequency moment of order n. |
ge | mod_spectrum | Function | Logical greater than or equal comparison function. Overloads the |
getAirDensity | mod_domain | Function | Returns the air density [kg/m^3]. |
getAirDensity | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the air_density [kg/m^3] of the |
getAmplitude | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the amplitude array. |
getAxisX | mod_grid | Function | Returns the x-coordinate of the grid instance. |
getAxisY | mod_grid | Function | Returns the y-coordinate [m] of the grid instance. |
getCurrent_u | mod_domain | Function | Returns the 3-d array with values of Eulerian velocity (mean current) in x-direction [m/s]. |
getCurrent_u | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the current velocity in x-direction. |
getCurrent_v | mod_domain | Function | Returns the 3-d array with values of Eulerian velocity (mean current) in y-direction [m/s]. |
getCurrent_v | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the current velocity in y-direction. |
getDepth | mod_domain | Function | Returns the mean water depth [m] array. |
getDepth | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the mean water depth [m]. |
getDepthLevels | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the depth levels at which the current arrays are defined. |
getDirections | mod_domain | Function | Returns the spectral direction bins [rad]. |
getDirections | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the directions [rad] array of the spectrum instance. |
getDirections2d | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the directions [rad] array of the spectrum instance, reshaped to match the spectrum array shape. This method is most useful for conforming shape array in 2-d spectrum computations. |
getElevation | mod_domain | Function | Returns the mean water elevation [m] array. |
getElevation | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the mean surface elevation anomaly [m]. |
getFrequency | mod_domain | Function | Returns the frequency [Hz] array. |
getFrequency | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the frequency [Hz] array of the spectrum instance. |
getFrequency2d | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the frequency [Hz] array of the spectrum instance, reshaped to match the spectrum array shape. This method is most useful for conforming shape array in 2-d spectrum computations. |
getGravity | mod_domain | Function | Returns the gravitational acceleration [m/s^2] array. |
getGravity | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]. |
getGrid | mod_domain | Function | Returns the grid instance that is the component of the domain. |
getGridRotation | mod_grid | Function | Returns the grid rotation angle [rad] of the grid instance. |
getGridSpacingX | mod_grid | Function | Returns the grid spacing in x [m] of the grid instance. |
getGridSpacingXWithHalo | mod_domain | Function | Returns grid spacing array in x-direction including halo cells. |
getGridSpacingY | mod_grid | Function | Returns the grid spacing in y [m] of the grid instance. |
getGridSpacingYWithHalo | mod_domain | Function | Returns grid spacing array in y-direction including halo cells. |
getGroupSpeed | mod_domain | Function | Returns a 3-d array with group speed values [m/s]. |
getGroupSpeed | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the phase speed [m/s] array of the spectrum instance. |
getGroupSpeed2d | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the group speed [m/s] array of the spectrum instance. |
getLatitude | mod_grid | Function | Returns the latitude array [rad] of the grid instance. |
getLongitude | mod_grid | Function | Returns the longitude array [rad] of the grid instance. |
getLowerBounds | mod_grid | Function | Returns the lower bounds of the grid instance. |
getLowerBounds | mod_domain | Function | Returns the lower bounds of the domain instance. |
getPhaseSpeed | mod_domain | Function | Returns a 3-d array with phase speed values [m/s]. |
getPhaseSpeed | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the phase speed [m/s] array of the spectrum instance. |
getPhaseSpeed2d | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the phase speed [m/s] array of the spectrum instance. |
getSpectrum | mod_domain | Function | Returns the array of spectrum instances. |
getSpectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the spectrum array. |
getSpectrumArray | mod_domain | Function | Returns a 4-dimensional spectrum array, where the first two dimensions are frequency and directional dimensions and the second two are spatial x and y dimensions. |
getSurfaceTension | mod_domain | Function | Returns the surface tension [N/m]. |
getSurfaceTension | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the surface tension [N/m]. |
getUpperBounds | mod_grid | Function | Returns the upper bounds of the grid instance. |
getUpperBounds | mod_domain | Function | Returns the upper bounds of the domain instance. |
getWaterDensity | mod_domain | Function | Returns the water density [kg/m^3]. |
getWaterDensity | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the water density [kg/m^3]. |
getWaveAction | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the wave action spectrum, which corresponds to the the wave variance spectrum normalized by the intrinsic frequency. |
getWavelength | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the wavelength [m] array of the spectrum instance. |
getWavenumber | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the wavenumber [rad/m] array of the spectrum instance. |
getWavenumber2d | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the wavenumber [rad/m] array of the spectrum instance, reshaped to match the spectrum array shape. This method is most useful for conforming shape array in 2-d spectrum computations. |
getWavenumberSpacing | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the wavenumber spacing [rad/m] array of the spectrum instance. |
gravityClairaut | mod_gravity | Function | Returns the gravitational acceleration at the Earth's surface as function of latitude, based on Clairaut's formula. |
grid_type | mod_grid | Interface | |
gt | mod_spectrum | Function | Logical greater than comparison function. Overloads the |
horizontalAcceleration | mod_linear_wave_theory | Function | Returns the horizontal acceleration of a water particle under a sinusoid wave, given its amplitude, wavenumber, and frequency. |
horizontalVelocity | mod_linear_wave_theory | Function | Returns the horizontal velocity of a water particle under a sinusoid wave, given its amplitude, wavenumber, and frequency. |
integrate | mod_time_integration | Interface | |
integrate_domain | mod_time_integration | Function | Integrates domain forward in time using a time integration method
provided as the argument |
integrate_spectrum | mod_time_integration | Function | Integrates spectrum forward in time using a time integration method
provided as the argument |
isAllocated | mod_domain | Function | Returns the allocation status of the domains sub-components. |
isAllocated | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the allocation status of the spectrum array. |
isMonochromatic | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns |
isOmnidirectional | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns |
jonswap | mod_spectral_shapes | Function | Computes the JONSWAP equilibrium spectrum (Hasselmann et al. 1973) based on input wind speed at the height of 10 m and fetch. |
jonswapPeakFrequency | mod_spectral_shapes | Function | Computes the JONSWAP equilibrium peak frequency [Hz] on the input based on the 10-m wind speed and fetch [km] (Hasselmann et al., 1973). |
le | mod_spectrum | Function | Logical less than or equal comparison function. Overloads the |
lt | mod_spectrum | Function | Logical less than comparison function. Overloads the |
meanPeriod | mod_domain | Function | Returns the mean wave period [s] for the whole domain. |
meanPeriod | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the mean wave period [s]. |
meanPeriodZeroCrossing | mod_domain | Function | Returns the zero-crossing mean wave period [s] for the whole domain. |
meanPeriodZeroCrossing | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the zero-crossing mean wave period [s]: |
meanSquareSlope | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the mean square slope of the spectrum, which is the second moment of the wavenumber spectrum. |
meanSquareSlopeDirectional | mod_spectrum | Function | For each directional frequency bin, computes the mean square slope of all all waves longer than that bin, projected to the direction of that bin. |
momentum_x | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns total wave momentum [kg/m/s] in x-direction. |
momentum_y | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns total wave momentum [kg/m/s] in y-direction. |
momentumFlux_xx | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns total advective flux [kg/m^2/s^2] in y-direction of momentum in y-direction. |
momentumFlux_xy | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns total advective flux [kg/m^2/s^2] in x-direction of momentum in y-direction and vice versa (flux in y-direction of momentum in y-direction), because \int{CgxMy} == \int{CgyMx}. |
momentumFlux_yy | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns total advective flux [kg/m^2/s^2] in y-direction of momentum in y-direction. |
neq | mod_domain | Function | Logical inequality comparison function. Overloads the |
neq | mod_spectrum | Function | Logical inequality comparison function. Overloads the |
nondimensionalDepth | mod_nondimensional | Function | Returns nondimensional depth based on input wind speed [m/s], mean water depth [m], and gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]. |
nondimensionalEnergy | mod_nondimensional | Function | Returns nondimensional energy based on input wind speed, RMS of wave variance, and gravitational acceleration. |
nondimensionalFetch | mod_nondimensional | Function | Returns nondimensional energy based on input wind speed, RMS of wave variance, and gravitational acceleration. |
nondimensionalFrequency | mod_nondimensional | Function | Returns nondimensional frequency based on input wind speed, peak frequency, and gravitational acceleration. |
nondimensionalRoughness_H1986 | mod_nondimensional | Function | Returns the aerodynamic roughness length scaled by significant wave height, after Huang (1986). |
nondimensionalRoughness_S1974 | mod_nondimensional | Function | Returns the aerodynamic roughness length scaled by friction velocity squared and gravitational acceleration, after Stewart (1974). |
nondimensionalTime | mod_nondimensional | Function | Returns nondimensional time (duration) based on input wind speed, duration, and gravitational acceleration. |
omnidirectionalSpectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the omnidirectional spectrum that corresponds to the input directional spectrum, integrated over all directions. |
ones | mod_utility | Interface | |
ones_int | mod_utility | Function | Returns a 1-d array of integer ones. This procedure is overloaded by the
generic procedure |
ones_real | mod_utility | Function | Returns a 1-d array of floating-point ones. This procedure is overloaded by
the generic procedure |
peakedness | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the peakedness parameter that quantifies the sharpness of the spectral peak, following Goda (1970). |
peakFrequency | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the peak frequency based on Young (1995). |
peakFrequencyDiscrete | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the peak frequency based on simple discrete maximum location of the spectrum array. |
phillips | mod_spectral_shapes | Function | Computes the Phillips (1958) equilibrium spectrum based on the input peak frequency [Hz]. |
piersonMoskowitz | mod_spectral_shapes | Function | Computes the Pierson-Moskowitz (1964) equilibrium spectrum based on input wind speed at the height of 10 m. |
piersonMoskowitzPeakFrequency | mod_spectral_shapes | Function | Computes the Pierson-Moskowitz (1964) peak frequency based on input wind speed at the height of 10 m. |
pressure | mod_linear_wave_theory | Function | Returns the pressure [Pa] at depth z (negative downward) for a sinusoid wave given its amplitude [m], wavenumber [rad/m], and frequency [Hz]. |
range | mod_utility | Interface | |
range_int | mod_utility | Function | Returns an array of integers given start, end, and increment values. If the
increment argument is not passed, default increment is 1. This procedure is
overloaded by the generic procedure |
range_real | mod_utility | Function | Returns an array of reals given start, end, and increment values. If the
increment argument is not passed, default increment is 1. This procedure is
overloaded by the generic procedure |
readJSON | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Read a spectrum instance from a JSON file. |
real2d_mult_spectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a product of a real number and a spectrum instance. |
real_add_domain | mod_domain | Function | Returns a sum of a real number and a domain instance. |
real_add_spectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a sum of a real number and a spectrum instance. |
real_div_domain | mod_domain | Function | Returns a product of a real number and a domain instance. |
real_div_spectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a division of a real number and a spectrum instance. |
real_mult_domain | mod_domain | Function | Returns a product of a real number and a domain instance. |
real_mult_spectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a product of a real number and a spectrum instance. |
real_sub_domain | mod_domain | Function | Returns a difference between a real number and a domain instance. |
real_sub_spectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a difference between a real number and a spectrum instance. |
saturationSpectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the saturation spectrum B(k) = F(k)k^4. |
sbf_DCCM2012 | mod_source_functions | Function | Returns a spectrum instance with the wave dissipation tendency due to bottom friction and percolation, formulated by Donelan et al. (2012). |
sbf_JONSWAP | mod_source_functions | Function | Returns a spectrum instance with the bottom friction ($S_{bot}$) tendency based on JONSWAP field data (Hasselmann et al., 1973). It is also the default parameterization scheme used in the WAM model (WAMDIG, 1988). |
sds_DCCM2012 | mod_source_functions | Function | Returns a spectrum instance with the wave dissipation ($S_{ds}$) tendency formulated by Donelan et al. (2012). |
sdt_DCCM2012 | mod_source_functions | Function | Returns a spectrum instance with the wave dissipation due to turbulence ($S_{dt}$) tendency formulated by Donelan et al. (2012). |
setAirDensity | mod_domain | Subroutine | Sets the air density [kg/m^3]. |
setAirDensity | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Sets the air density [kg/m^3]. |
setCurrent1d | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Sets the 1-d current velocity field. This procedure is overloaded by the generic procedure setCurrent. |
setCurrent2d | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Sets the 2-d current velocity field. This procedure is overloaded by the generic procedure setCurrent. |
setDepth | mod_domain | Subroutine | Sets the mean water depth [m]. |
setDepth | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Sets the mean surface elevation value. |
setElevation | mod_domain | Subroutine | Sets the mean water elevation [m]. |
setElevation | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Sets the mean surface elevation value. |
setGravity | mod_domain | Subroutine | Sets the gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]. |
setGravity | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Sets the gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]. |
setSpectrum1d | mod_domain | Subroutine | Sets the 1-d spectrum array. This procedure is overloaded by the generic procedure setSpectrum. |
setSpectrum1d | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Sets the 2-d spectrum array. This procedure is overloaded by the generic procedure setSpectrum. |
setSpectrum2d | mod_domain | Subroutine | Sets the 2-d spectrum array. This procedure is overloaded by the generic procedure setSpectrum. |
setSpectrum2d | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Sets the 2-d spectrum array. This procedure is overloaded by the generic procedure setSpectrum. |
setSpectrumArray1d1d | mod_domain | Subroutine | Sets the spectrum instances based on input spectrum array. This implementation is for omnidirectional spectrum in 1-d space (1d-1d) |
setSpectrumArray1d2d | mod_domain | Subroutine | Sets the spectrum instances based on input spectrum array. This implementation is for setting 1-d spectrum into 2-d physical space of 2-d spectrum into 1-d physical space. |
setSpectrumArray2d2d | mod_domain | Subroutine | Sets the spectrum instances based on input spectrum array. This implementation is for directional spectrum in 2-d space (2d-2d) |
setSurfaceTension | mod_domain | Subroutine | Sets the surface tension [N/m^2]. |
setSurfaceTension | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Sets the surface tension [N/m]. |
setWaterDensity | mod_domain | Subroutine | Sets the water density [kg/m^3]. |
setWaterDensity | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Sets the water density [kg/m^3]. |
significantSurfaceOrbitalVelocity | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the significant surface orbital velocity [m/s]. |
significantWaveHeight | mod_domain | Function | Returns the significant wave height [m] for the whole domain. |
significantWaveHeight | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the significant wave height [m]. |
sin_DCCM2012 | mod_source_functions | Function | TODO implement currents averaged over the effective depth layer for modulation of phase speed. |
snl_DCCM2012 | mod_source_functions | Function | Returns a spectrum instance with the non-linear wave-wave energy transfer ($S_{nl}$) tendency formulated by Donelan et al. (2012). |
spectrum_add_real | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a sum of a spectrum instance and a real number. |
spectrum_add_spectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a spectrum instance with the spectrum array values being the sum of the two input spectrum instances. |
spectrum_div_real | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a division of a spectrum instance and a real number. |
spectrum_div_spectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a division of two spectrum instances. |
spectrum_mult_real | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a product of a spectrum instance and a real number. |
spectrum_mult_real2d | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a product of a spectrum instance and a real number. |
spectrum_mult_spectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a product of two spectrum instances. |
spectrum_sub_real | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a difference of a spectrum instance and a real number. |
spectrum_sub_spectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Subtracts one spectrum instance from another and returns the resulting spectrum instance. |
spectrum_type | mod_spectrum | Interface | |
spectrum_unary_minus | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns a negative value of the spectrum instance. |
stokesDrift | mod_spectrum | Function | Exact solution of Stokes drift based on linear wave theory, given input
omnidirectional spectrum and distance from surface |
stokesDrift2d | mod_spectrum | Function | Exact solution of Stokes drift based on linear wave theory, given input
directional spectrum and distance from surface |
tile | mod_utility | Interface | |
tile_1d_int | mod_utility | Function | Tiles the input array |
tile_1d_real | mod_utility | Function | Tiles the input array |
tile_2d_int | mod_utility | Function | Tiles the input array |
tile_2d_real | mod_utility | Function | Tiles the input array |
tile_3d_int | mod_utility | Function | Tiles the input array |
tile_3d_real | mod_utility | Function | Tiles the input array |
ursellNumber | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the Ursell number. |
verticalAcceleration | mod_linear_wave_theory | Function | Returns the vertical acceleration of a water particle under a sinusoid wave, given its amplitude, wavenumber, and frequency. |
verticalVelocity | mod_linear_wave_theory | Function | Returns the vertical velocity of a water particle under a sinusoid wave, given its amplitude, wavenumber, and frequency. |
waveAge | mod_nondimensional | Function | Returns wave age, the ratio of phase speed and friction velocity or wind speed, depending on the caller's definition of wave age. |
wavenumber | mod_spectrum | Function | Solves the linear water wave dispersion relationship using a Newton-Raphson iteration loop. |
wavenumberMoment | mod_domain | Function | Returns the spectral frequency moment of order n. |
wavenumberMoment | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the spectral wavenumber moment of order n. |
wavenumberSpectrum | mod_spectrum | Function | Returns the wavenumber spectrum array of the spectrum instance. |
writeJSON | mod_domain | Subroutine | Writes a spectrum instance to a JSON file. |
writeJSON | mod_spectrum | Subroutine | Writes a spectrum instance to a JSON file. |
zeros | mod_utility | Interface | |
zeros_int | mod_utility | Function | Returns a 1-d array of integer zeros. This procedure is overloaded by the
generic procedure |
zeros_real | mod_utility | Function | Returns a 1-d array of floating-point zeros. This procedure is overloaded by
the generic procedure |