mod_nondimensional Module

module~~mod_nondimensional~~UsesGraph module~mod_nondimensional mod_nondimensional module~mod_precision mod_precision module~mod_precision->module~mod_nondimensional iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env->module~mod_precision

Used By

module~~mod_nondimensional~~UsedByGraph module~mod_nondimensional mod_nondimensional module~mod_spectral_shapes mod_spectral_shapes module~mod_nondimensional->module~mod_spectral_shapes


public pure elemental function waveAge(cp, u)

Returns wave age, the ratio of phase speed and friction velocity or wind speed, depending on the caller's definition of wave age.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: cp

Phase speed [m/s]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: u

Friction velocity or wind speed [m/s]

Return Value real(kind=realkind)

public pure elemental function nondimensionalDepth(wspd, depth, grav)

Returns nondimensional depth based on input wind speed [m/s], mean water depth [m], and gravitational acceleration [m/s^2].


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: wspd

Wind speed at reference height [m/s]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: depth

Mean water depth [m]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: grav

Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]

Return Value real(kind=realkind)

public pure elemental function nondimensionalEnergy(wspd, sigma, grav)

Returns nondimensional energy based on input wind speed, RMS of wave variance, and gravitational acceleration.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: wspd

Wind speed at reference height [m/s]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: sigma

Root mean square of wave variance

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: grav

Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]

Return Value real(kind=realkind)

public pure elemental function nondimensionalFetch(wspd, fetch, grav)

Returns nondimensional energy based on input wind speed, RMS of wave variance, and gravitational acceleration.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: wspd

Wind speed at reference height [m/s]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: fetch

Fetch [m]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: grav

Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]

Return Value real(kind=realkind)

public pure elemental function nondimensionalFrequency(wspd, fpeak, grav)

Returns nondimensional frequency based on input wind speed, peak frequency, and gravitational acceleration.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: wspd

Wind speed at reference height [m/s]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: fpeak

Peak frequency [Hz]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: grav

Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]

Return Value real(kind=realkind)

public pure elemental function nondimensionalRoughness_S1974(z0, ustar, grav)

Returns the aerodynamic roughness length scaled by friction velocity squared and gravitational acceleration, after Stewart (1974).


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: z0

Roughness length [m]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: ustar

Friction velocity [m/s]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: grav

Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]

Return Value real(kind=realkind)

public pure elemental function nondimensionalRoughness_H1986(z0, hs)

Returns the aerodynamic roughness length scaled by significant wave height, after Huang (1986).


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: z0

Roughness length [m]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: hs

Significant wave height [m]

Return Value real(kind=realkind)

public pure elemental function nondimensionalTime(wspd, time, grav)

Returns nondimensional time (duration) based on input wind speed, duration, and gravitational acceleration.


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: wspd

Wind speed at reference height [m/s]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: time

Time [s]

real(kind=realkind), intent(in) :: grav

Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]

Return Value real(kind=realkind)