Returns a spectrum instance with the bottom friction ($S_{bot}$) tendency based on JONSWAP field data (Hasselmann et al., 1973). It is also the default parameterization scheme used in the WAM model (WAMDIG, 1988).
Hasselmann, K. et al., 1973. Measurements of wind-wave growth and swell decay during the Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP). Dtsch. Hydrogh. Z., Suppl. A, 8, 12, 95pp.
WAMDI Group, 1988. The WAM model – a third generation ocean wave prediction model. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 18, 1775–1810.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(spectrum_type), | intent(in) | :: | spectrum | Spectrum instance |
real(kind=rk), | intent(in) | :: | friction_coefficient | Bottom friction coefficient [m/s] |
Result tendency instance
pure elemental function sbf_JONSWAP(spectrum,friction_coefficient)&
!! Returns a spectrum instance with the bottom friction ($S_{bot}$) tendency
!! based on JONSWAP field data (Hasselmann et al., 1973). It is also the
!! default parameterization scheme used in the WAM model (WAMDIG, 1988).
!! References:
!! Hasselmann, K. et al., 1973. Measurements of wind-wave growth and swell
!! decay during the Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP). *Dtsch. Hydrogh.
!! Z.*, Suppl. A, **8**, 12, 95pp.
!! WAMDI Group, 1988. The WAM model – a third generation ocean wave prediction
!! model. *J. Phys. Oceanogr.*, **18**, 1775–1810.
use mod_spectrum,only:spectrum_type
type(spectrum_type),intent(in) :: spectrum
!! Spectrum instance
real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: friction_coefficient
!! Bottom friction coefficient [m/s]
type(spectrum_type) :: tendency
!! Result tendency instance
tendency = 2 * friction_coefficient &
* (spectrum % getPhaseSpeed2d() / spectrum % getGroupSpeed2d() - 0.5_rk)&
/ (spectrum % getGravity()*spectrum % getDepth())
endfunction sbf_JONSWAP