Returns a spectrum instance with the wave dissipation due to turbulence ($S_{dt}$) tendency formulated by Donelan et al. (2012).
The result instance has the units of 1/s. This source function can be evaluated once and stored if wavenumber array, air and water densities, and friction velocity are held constant.
Donelan, M. A., M. Curcic, S. S. Chen, and A. K. Magnusson, 2012: Modeling waves and wind stress, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 117, C00J23, doi:10.1029/2011JC007787.
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(spectrum_type), | intent(in) | :: | spectrum | Spectrum instance |
real(kind=rk), | intent(in) | :: | sdt_coefficient | Linear coefficient of the turbulent dissipation function |
real(kind=rk), | intent(in) | :: | ustar | Air-side friction velocity [m/s] |
Result tendency instance
pure elemental function sdt_DCCM2012(spectrum,sdt_coefficient,ustar)&
!! Returns a spectrum instance with the wave dissipation due to turbulence
!! ($S_{dt}$) tendency formulated by Donelan et al. (2012).
!! The result instance has the units of 1/s. This source function can be
!! evaluated once and stored if wavenumber array, air and water densities, and
!! friction velocity are held constant.
!! References:
!! Donelan, M. A., M. Curcic, S. S. Chen, and A. K. Magnusson, 2012: Modeling
!! waves and wind stress, *J. Geophys. Res. Oceans*, **117**, C00J23,
!! doi:10.1029/2011JC007787.
use mod_spectrum,only:spectrum_type
type(spectrum_type),intent(in) :: spectrum
!! Spectrum instance
real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: sdt_coefficient
!! Linear coefficient of the turbulent dissipation function
real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: ustar
!! Air-side friction velocity [m/s]
type(spectrum_type) :: tendency
!! Result tendency instance
tendency = sdt_coefficient * sqrt(spectrum % getAirDensity()&
/ spectrum % getWaterDensity()) * ustar * spectrum % getWavenumber2d()
endfunction sdt_DCCM2012