mod_domain.f90 Source File

This File Depends On

sourcefile~~mod_domain.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~mod_domain.f90 mod_domain.f90 sourcefile~mod_spectrum.f90 mod_spectrum.f90 sourcefile~mod_spectrum.f90->sourcefile~mod_domain.f90 sourcefile~mod_precision.f90 mod_precision.f90 sourcefile~mod_precision.f90->sourcefile~mod_domain.f90 sourcefile~mod_precision.f90->sourcefile~mod_spectrum.f90 sourcefile~mod_const.f90 mod_const.f90 sourcefile~mod_precision.f90->sourcefile~mod_const.f90 sourcefile~mod_grid.f90 mod_grid.f90 sourcefile~mod_precision.f90->sourcefile~mod_grid.f90 sourcefile~mod_utility.f90 mod_utility.f90 sourcefile~mod_precision.f90->sourcefile~mod_utility.f90 sourcefile~mod_const.f90->sourcefile~mod_domain.f90 sourcefile~mod_const.f90->sourcefile~mod_spectrum.f90 sourcefile~mod_grid.f90->sourcefile~mod_domain.f90 sourcefile~mod_utility.f90->sourcefile~mod_spectrum.f90 sourcefile~mod_utility.f90->sourcefile~mod_grid.f90

Files Dependent On This One

sourcefile~~mod_domain.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~mod_domain.f90 mod_domain.f90 sourcefile~mod_time_integration.f90 mod_time_integration.f90 sourcefile~mod_domain.f90->sourcefile~mod_time_integration.f90

Source Code

Source Code

! wavy - A spectral ocean wave modeling and development framework
! Copyright (c) 2017, Wavebit Scientific LLC
! All rights reserved.
! Licensed under the BSD-3 clause license. See LICENSE for details.

module mod_domain

use mod_precision,only:ik => intkind,rk => realkind
use mod_spectrum,only:spectrum_type
use mod_grid,only:grid_type
use mod_const
use datetime_module,only:datetime,timedelta
use json_module,only:json_core,json_file,json_value

implicit none


public :: domain_type

type :: domain_type


  character(len=:),allocatable :: type_name

  type(grid_type) :: grid
  type(spectrum_type),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: spectrum

  logical :: shallow_water_mode

  type(datetime) :: start_time !! Simulation start time
  type(datetime) :: end_time   !! Simulation end time
  type(timedelta) :: time_step !! Time step [s]

  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: dx ! grid spacing in x-direction [m]
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: dy ! grid spacing in y-direction [m]

  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: u ! x-component of velocity [m/s]
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: v ! y-component of velocity [m/s]
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: eta ! surface elevation [m]
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: depth ! mean water depth [m]

  integer(kind=ik),dimension(2) :: lb ! lower bounds in geographical space
  integer(kind=ik),dimension(2) :: ub ! upper bounds in geographical space

  integer(kind=ik) :: nfreqs ! number of frequencies
  integer(kind=ik) :: ndirs ! number of directions


  ! Public type-bound methods
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: frequencyMoment
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getCurrent_u
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getCurrent_v
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getGravity
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getGrid
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getGridSpacingXWithHalo
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getGridSpacingYWithHalo
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getDepth
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getElevation
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getFrequency
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getDirections
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getLowerBounds
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getUpperBounds
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getSpectrum
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getSpectrumArray
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getPhaseSpeed
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getGroupSpeed
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getSurfaceTension
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getAirDensity
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: getWaterDensity
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: isAllocated
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: meanPeriod
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: meanPeriodZeroCrossing
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: setDepth
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: setElevation
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: setGravity
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: setSurfaceTension
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: setAirDensity
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: setWaterDensity
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: significantWaveHeight
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: wavenumberMoment
  procedure,public,pass(self) :: writeJSON

  ! Specific procedures overloaded by generic procedures and operators
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: advect1dRank1
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: advect1dRank2
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: advect2dRank2
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: assign_spectrum_array_1d
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: assign_spectrum_array_2d
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: domain_add_domain
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: domain_add_real
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: domain_sub_domain
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: domain_sub_real
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: domain_mult_domain
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: domain_mult_real
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: domain_div_domain
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: domain_div_real
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: domain_unary_minus
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: real_add_domain
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: real_sub_domain
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: real_mult_domain
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: real_div_domain
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: eq
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: neq
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: setSpectrum1d
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: setSpectrum2d
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: setSpectrumArray1d1d
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: setSpectrumArray1d2d
  procedure,private,pass(self) :: setSpectrumArray2d2d

  ! Generic procedures
  generic,public :: advect => advect1dRank1,&
  generic,public :: setSpectrum => setSpectrum1d,&
  generic,public :: setSpectrumArray => setSpectrumArray1d1d,&

  ! Generic operators
  generic :: assignment(=) => assign_spectrum_array_1d,&
  generic :: operator(+) => domain_add_domain,&
  generic :: operator(-) => domain_sub_domain,&
  generic :: operator(*) => domain_mult_domain,&
  generic :: operator(/) => domain_div_domain,&
  generic :: operator(==) => eq
  generic :: operator(/=) => neq

endtype domain_type

interface domain_type
  module procedure :: constructor
endinterface domain_type

type(domain_type) function constructor(grid,spectrum,shallow_water_mode) result(domain)

  !! Constructor function for the domain object.

  type(grid_type),intent(in) :: grid
    !! Input `grid` instance
  type(spectrum_type),intent(in) :: spectrum
    !! Input `spectrum` instance
  logical,intent(in),optional :: shallow_water_mode
    !! Logical switch to enable shallow water solver

  integer(kind=ik) :: i,j

    domain % shallow_water_mode = shallow_water_mode
    domain % shallow_water_mode = .false.

  domain % type_name = 'domain_type'
  domain % grid = grid

  domain % lb = grid % getLowerBounds()
  domain % ub = grid % getUpperBounds()
  domain % dx = grid % getGridSpacingX()
  domain % dy = grid % getGridSpacingY()

  allocate(domain % spectrum(domain % lb(1):domain % ub(1),&
                             domain % lb(2):domain % ub(2)))

  do concurrent(i = domain % lb(1):domain % ub(1),&
                j = domain % lb(2):domain % ub(2))
    domain % spectrum(i,j) = spectrum

  allocate(domain % u(domain % lb(1):domain % ub(1),&
                      domain % lb(2):domain % ub(2)))
  domain % u = 0
  allocate(domain % v(domain % lb(1):domain % ub(1),&
                      domain % lb(2):domain % ub(2)))
  domain % v = 0

  allocate(domain % eta(domain % lb(1):domain % ub(1),&
                        domain % lb(2):domain % ub(2)))
  domain % eta = 0

  allocate(domain % depth(domain % lb(1):domain % ub(1),&
                          domain % lb(2):domain % ub(2)))

  domain % nfreqs = size(spectrum % getFrequency())
  domain % ndirs = size(spectrum % getDirections())

endfunction constructor

pure type(domain_type) function advect1dRank1(self,advection_method,halowidth,&
  directional_type) result(adv)
  !! Computes the advective tendency for the domain instance given the desired
  !! advection method as an input function and the number of halo cells. This 
  !! function works only in cases where `ndirs == 1`.
  !! This implementation accepts the methods that operate on spectrum arrays
  !! of rank 1 (omnidirectional) in 1-dimensional space:
  !!   * advectUpwind1stOrder1dRank1
  !!   * advectCentered2ndOrder1dRank1
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! `domain` instance
    pure function advection_method(f,u,dx) result(tendency)
      import :: rk
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: f
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: u
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:),intent(in) :: dx
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: tendency
    endfunction advection_method
    !! function with the requested advection method
  integer(kind=ik),intent(in) :: halowidth
    !! number of halo cells to use in the advection method
  integer(kind=ik),dimension(:),intent(in) :: directional_type
    !! A global constant that helps resolve the interface of this specific
    !! prodedure
  integer(kind=ik) :: idm
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: f
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: cg
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:),allocatable :: dx
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub,hw => halowidth)
  adv = self
  idm = ub(1)-lb(1)+1+2*hw
  f = reshape(self % getSpectrumArray([hw,0],.true.),[self % nfreqs,idm])
  cg = reshape(self % getGroupSpeed([hw,0],.true.),[self % nfreqs,idm])
  dx = reshape(self % getGridSpacingXWithHalo([hw,0],.true.),[idm])
  call adv % setSpectrumArray(advection_method(f,cg,dx))
endfunction advect1dRank1

pure type(domain_type) function advect1dRank2(self,advection_method,halowidth,&
  directional_type) result(adv)
  !! Computes the advective tendency for the domain instance given the desired
  !! advection method as an input function and the number of halo cells. This 
  !! function works both when `ndirs == 1` (omnidirectional) and when 
  !! `ndirs > 1` (directional).
  !! This implementation accepts the methods that operate on spectrum arrays
  !! of rank 2 (directional) in 1-dimensional space:
  !!   * advectUpwind1stOrder1dRank2
  !!   * advectCentered2ndOrder1dRank2
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! `domain` instance
    pure function advection_method(f,u,dx) result(tendency)
      import :: rk
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:),intent(in) :: f
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:),intent(in) :: u
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:),intent(in) :: dx
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: tendency
    endfunction advection_method
    !! function with the requested advection method
  integer(kind=ik),intent(in) :: halowidth
    !! number of halo cells to use in the advection method
  integer(kind=ik),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: directional_type
    !! A global constant that helps resolve the interface of this specific
    !! prodedure
  integer(kind=ik) :: idm
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: f
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: cg
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:),allocatable :: dx
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub,hw => halowidth)
  adv = self
  idm = ub(1)-lb(1)+1+2*hw
  f = reshape(self % getSpectrumArray([hw,0],.true.),[self % nfreqs,self % ndirs,idm])
  cg = reshape(self % getGroupSpeed([hw,0],.true.),[self % nfreqs,self % ndirs,idm])
  dx = reshape(self % getGridSpacingXWithHalo([hw,0],.true.),[idm])
  call adv % setSpectrumArray(advection_method(f,cg,dx))
endfunction advect1dRank2

pure type(domain_type) function advect2dRank2(self,advection_method,halowidth)&
  !! Computes the advective tendency for the domain instance given the desired
  !! advection method as an input function and the number of halo cells. This 
  !! function works both when `ndirs == 1` (omnidirectional) and when 
  !! `ndirs > 1` (directional).
  !! This implementation accepts the methods that operate on spectrum arrays
  !! of rank 2 (directional) in 2-dimensional space:
  !!   * advectUpwind1stOrder2dRank2
  !!   * advectCentered2ndOrder2dRank2
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! `domain` instance
    pure function advection_method(f,u,v,dx,dy) result(tendency)
      import :: rk
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:,:),intent(in) :: f
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:,:),intent(in) :: u
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:,:),intent(in) :: v
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: dx
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: dy
      real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: tendency
    endfunction advection_method
    !! function with the requested advection method
  integer(kind=ik),dimension(:),intent(in) :: halowidth
    !! number of halo cells to use in the advection method
  integer(kind=ik) :: idm,jdm,n
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: f
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: cg
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: cgx
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: cgy
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: dx
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: dy
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:),allocatable :: theta
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub,hw => halowidth)
  theta = self % getDirections()
  adv = self
  idm = ub(1)-lb(1)+1+2*hw(1)
  jdm = ub(2)-lb(2)+1+2*hw(2)
  f = reshape(self % getSpectrumArray(hw,.true.),[self % nfreqs,self % ndirs,[idm,jdm]])
  allocate(cgx(self % nfreqs,self % ndirs,idm,jdm))
  allocate(cgy(self % nfreqs,self % ndirs,idm,jdm))
  cg = self % getGroupSpeed(hw,.true.)
  do concurrent(n = 1:self % ndirs)
    cgx(:,n,:,:) = cos(theta(n))*cg
    cgy(:,n,:,:) = sin(theta(n))*cg
  dx = self % getGridSpacingXWithHalo(hw,.true.)
  dy = self % getGridSpacingYWithHalo(hw,.true.)
  call adv % setSpectrumArray(advection_method(f,cgx,cgy,dx,dy))
endfunction advect2dRank2

pure elemental logical function isAllocated(self)
  !! Returns the allocation status of the domains sub-components.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! `domain` instance
  isAllocated = allocated(self % spectrum)
endfunction isAllocated

pure subroutine assign_spectrum_array_1d(self,spectrum_array)
  !! Assigns a 1-d array of `spectrum` instances to a `domain` instance. This 
  !! procedure overloads the assignment ('=') operator.
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self
    !! l.h.s. `domain` instance
  class(spectrum_type),dimension(:),intent(in) :: spectrum_array 
    !! r.h.s. array of `spectrum` instances
  call self % setSpectrum(spectrum_array)
endsubroutine assign_spectrum_array_1d

pure subroutine assign_spectrum_array_2d(self,spectrum_array)
  !! Assigns a 2-d array of `spectrum` instances to a `domain` instance. This 
  !! procedure overloads the assignment ('=') operator.
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self 
    !! l.h.s. `domain` instance
  class(spectrum_type),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: spectrum_array 
    !! r.h.s. array of `spectrum` instances
  call self % setSpectrum(spectrum_array)
endsubroutine assign_spectrum_array_2d

pure elemental logical function eq(self,d2)
  !! Logical equality comparison function. Overloads the `/=` operator.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! l.h.s. `domain` instance
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: d2
    !! r.h.s. `domain` instance
  eq = all(self % getSpectrum() == d2 % getSpectrum())
endfunction eq

pure elemental logical function neq(self,d2)
  !! Logical inequality comparison function. Overloads the `/=` operator.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! l.h.s. `domain` instance
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: d2
    !! r.h.s. `domain` instance
  neq = .not. self == d2
endfunction neq

pure elemental type(domain_type) function domain_add_domain(self,d2)&
  !! Returns a sum of two domain instances.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! l.h.s. domain instance
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: d2 !! r.h.s. domain instance
  domain = self
  domain = self % getSpectrum() + d2 % getSpectrum()
endfunction domain_add_domain

pure elemental type(domain_type) function domain_sub_domain(self,d2)&
  !! Returns a difference between two domain instances.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! l.h.s. domain instance
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: d2 !! r.h.s. domain instance
  domain = self
  domain = self % getSpectrum() - d2 % getSpectrum()
endfunction domain_sub_domain

pure elemental type(domain_type) function domain_unary_minus(self) result(domain)
  !! Returns a negative domain instances.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! domain instance
  domain = self
  domain = - self % getSpectrum()
endfunction domain_unary_minus

pure elemental type(domain_type) function domain_mult_domain(self,d2)&
  !! Returns a product of two domain instances.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! l.h.s. domain instance
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: d2 !! r.h.s. domain instance
  domain = self
  domain = self % getSpectrum() * d2 % getSpectrum()
endfunction domain_mult_domain

pure elemental type(domain_type) function domain_div_domain(self,d2)&
  !! Returns a division of two domain instances.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! l.h.s. domain instance
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: d2 !! r.h.s. domain instance
  domain = self
  domain = self % getSpectrum() / d2 % getSpectrum()
endfunction domain_div_domain

pure elemental type(domain_type) function domain_add_real(self,a)&
  !! Returns a sum of a domain instance and a real number.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! l.h.s. domain instance
  real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: a !! r.h.s. real number
  domain = self
  domain = self % getSpectrum() + a
endfunction domain_add_real

pure elemental type(domain_type) function domain_sub_real(self,a) result(domain)
  !! Returns a difference between a domain instance and a real number.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! l.h.s. domain instance
  real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: a !! r.h.s. real number
  domain = self
  domain = self % getSpectrum() - a
endfunction domain_sub_real

pure elemental type(domain_type) function domain_mult_real(self,a)&
  !! Returns a product of a domain instance and a real number.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! l.h.s. domain instance
  real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: a !! r.h.s. real number
  domain = self
  domain = self % getSpectrum() * a
endfunction domain_mult_real

pure elemental type(domain_type) function domain_div_real(self,a) result(domain)
  !! Returns a division of a domain instance and a real number.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! l.h.s. domain instance
  real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: a !! r.h.s. real number
  domain = self
  domain = self % getSpectrum() / a
endfunction domain_div_real

pure elemental type(domain_type) function real_add_domain(a,self) result(domain)
  !! Returns a sum of a real number and a domain instance.
  real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: a !! l.h.s. real number
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! r.h.s. domain instance
  domain = self
  domain = self % getSpectrum() + a
endfunction real_add_domain

pure elemental type(domain_type) function real_sub_domain(a,self) result(domain)
  !! Returns a difference between a real number and a domain instance.
  real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: a !! l.h.s. real number
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! r.h.s. domain instance
  domain = self
  domain = a - self % getSpectrum()
endfunction real_sub_domain

pure elemental type(domain_type) function real_mult_domain(a,self)&
  !! Returns a product of a real number and a domain instance.
  real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: a !! l.h.s. real number
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! r.h.s. domain instance
  domain = self
  domain = self % getSpectrum() * a
endfunction real_mult_domain

pure elemental type(domain_type) function real_div_domain(a,self) result(domain)
  !! Returns a product of a real number and a domain instance.
  real(kind=rk),intent(in) :: a !! l.h.s. real number
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! r.h.s. domain instance
  domain = self
  domain = a / self % getSpectrum()
endfunction real_div_domain

pure function getCurrent_u(self) result(u)
  !! Returns the 3-d array with values of Eulerian velocity (mean current) in 
  !! x-direction [m/s].
  !! Note: this implementation assumes that all u and v velocity arrays in 
  !! the domain instance are of same length in depth, such that the resulting
  !! u and v arrays are regular 3-d arrays.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self 
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: u
    !! Eulerian u-velocity [m/s]
  integer(kind=ik) :: i,j
  integer(kind=ik) :: kdm
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub)
  kdm = size(self % spectrum(1,1) % getCurrent_u())
  do concurrent(i=lb(1):ub(1),j=lb(2):ub(2))
    u(i,j,:) = self % spectrum(i,j) % getCurrent_u()
endfunction getCurrent_u

pure function getCurrent_v(self) result(v)
  !! Returns the 3-d array with values of Eulerian velocity (mean current) in 
  !! y-direction [m/s].
  !! Note: this implementation assumes that all u and v velocity arrays in 
  !! the domain instance are of same length in depth, such that the resulting
  !! u and v arrays are regular 3-d arrays.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self 
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: v
    !! Eulerian v-velocity [m/s]
  integer(kind=ik) :: i,j
  integer(kind=ik) :: kdm
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub)
  kdm = size(self % spectrum(1,1) % getCurrent_v())
  do concurrent(i=lb(1):ub(1),j=lb(2):ub(2))
    v(i,j,:) = self % spectrum(i,j) % getCurrent_v()
endfunction getCurrent_v

pure function getDepth(self) result(depth)
  !! Returns the mean water depth [m] array.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self 
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: depth 
    !! Mean water depth [m]
  depth = self % spectrum % getDepth()
endfunction getDepth

pure function getElevation(self) result(elevation)
  !! Returns the mean water elevation [m] array.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self 
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: elevation
    !! Mean water elevation [m]
  elevation = self % spectrum % getElevation()
endfunction getElevation

pure function getFrequency(self) result(frequency)
  !! Returns the frequency [Hz] array.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:),allocatable :: frequency
    !! Frequency [Hz]
  frequency = self % spectrum(1,1) % getFrequency()
endfunction getFrequency

pure function getDirections(self) result(directions)
  !! Returns the spectral direction bins [rad].
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:),allocatable :: directions
    !! Directions [rad]
  directions = self % spectrum(1,1) % getDirections()
endfunction getDirections

pure function getGravity(self) result(grav)
  !! Returns the gravitational acceleration [m/s^2] array.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self 
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: grav 
    !! Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]
  grav = self % spectrum % getGravity()
endfunction getGravity

pure function getGrid(self) result(grid)
  !! Returns the grid instance that is the component of the domain.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! Domain instance
  type(grid_type) :: grid !! Grid instance component
  grid = self % grid
endfunction getGrid

pure function getLowerBounds(self) result(lb)
  !! Returns the lower bounds of the domain instance.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! Domain instance
  integer(kind=ik),dimension(2) :: lb !! Lower bound indices
  lb = self % lb
endfunction getLowerBounds

pure function getUpperBounds(self) result(ub)
  !! Returns the upper bounds of the domain instance.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! Domain instance
  integer(kind=ik),dimension(2) :: ub !! Upper bound indices
  ub = self % ub
endfunction getUpperBounds

pure function getSpectrum(self) result(spectrum)
  !! Returns the array of spectrum instances.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  type(spectrum_type),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: spectrum
    !! Array of spectrum instances
  spectrum = self % spectrum
endfunction getSpectrum

pure function getSpectrumArray(self,halowidth,periodic) result(spectrum_array)
  !! Returns a 4-dimensional spectrum array, where the first two dimensions are
  !! frequency and directional dimensions and the second two are spatial x and y
  !! dimensions.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:,:),allocatable :: spectrum_array
    !! Spectrum array
  integer(kind=ik),dimension(2),intent(in) :: halowidth
    !! Integers indicating how many cells to allocate for halo points
  logical,intent(in) :: periodic
    !! If `.true.`, halo cells will be updated with values corresponding to 
    !! periodic boundary conditions 
  integer(kind=ik) :: i,j
  integer(kind=ik) :: ndirs,nfreqs
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub,hw => halowidth)
  nfreqs = size(self % spectrum(1,1) % getSpectrum(),dim=1)
  ndirs = size(self % spectrum(1,1) % getSpectrum(),dim=2)
  do concurrent(i=lb(1):ub(1),j=lb(2):ub(2))
    spectrum_array(:,:,i,j) = self % spectrum(i,j) % getSpectrum()
  ! Set halo values for periodic boundary conditions
      = spectrum_array(:,:,ub(1)-hw(1)+1:ub(1),:)
      = spectrum_array(:,:,lb(1):lb(1)+hw(1)-1,:)
      = spectrum_array(:,:,:,ub(2)-hw(2)+1:ub(2))
      = spectrum_array(:,:,:,lb(2):lb(2)+hw(2)-1)
endfunction getSpectrumArray

pure function getPhaseSpeed(self) result(cp)
  !! Returns a 3-d array with phase speed values [m/s].
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: cp 
    !! Phase speed [m/s] array
  integer(kind=ik) :: i,j
  integer(kind=ik) :: ndirs
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub)
  allocate(cp(self % nfreqs,lb(1):ub(1),lb(2):ub(2)))
  do concurrent(i=lb(1):ub(1),j=lb(2):ub(2))
    cp(:,i,j) = self % spectrum(i,j) % getPhaseSpeed()
endfunction getPhaseSpeed

pure function getGroupSpeed(self,halowidth,periodic) result(cg)
  !! Returns a 3-d array with group speed values [m/s].
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: cg
    !! Group speed [m/s] array
  integer(kind=ik),dimension(2),intent(in) :: halowidth
    !! Integers indicating how many cells to allocate for halo points
  logical,intent(in) :: periodic
    !! If `.true.`, halo cells will be updated with values corresponding to 
    !! periodic boundary conditions 
  integer(kind=ik) :: i,j
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub,hw => halowidth)
  allocate(cg(self % nfreqs,lb(1)-hw(1):ub(1)+hw(1),lb(2)-hw(2):ub(2)+hw(2)))
  do concurrent(i=lb(1):ub(1),j=lb(2):ub(2))
    cg(:,i,j) = self % spectrum(i,j) % getGroupSpeed()
  ! Set halo values for periodic boundary conditions
    cg(:,lb(1)-hw(1):lb(1)-1,:) = cg(:,ub(1)-hw(1)+1:ub(1),:)
    cg(:,ub(1)+1:ub(1)+hw(1),:) = cg(:,lb(1):lb(1)+hw(1)-1,:)
    cg(:,:,lb(2)-hw(2):lb(2)-1) = cg(:,:,ub(2)-hw(2)+1:ub(2))
    cg(:,:,ub(2)+1:ub(2)+hw(2)) = cg(:,:,lb(2):lb(2)+hw(2)-1)
endfunction getGroupSpeed

pure function getGridSpacingXWithHalo(self,halowidth,periodic) result(dx)
  !! Returns grid spacing array in x-direction including halo cells.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  integer(kind=ik),dimension(2),intent(in) :: halowidth
    !! Integer width of halo region
  logical,intent(in) :: periodic
    !! If `.true.`, halo cells will be updated with values corresponding to 
    !! periodic boundary conditions 
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: dx
    !! Grid spacing in x [m]
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub,hw => halowidth)
  dx = 0
  dx(lb(1):ub(1),lb(2):ub(2)) = self % dx
  ! Set halo values for periodic boundary conditions
    dx(lb(1)-hw(1):lb(1)-1,:) = dx(ub(1)-hw(1)+1:ub(1),:)
    dx(ub(1)+1:ub(1)+hw(1),:) = dx(lb(1):lb(1)+hw(1)-1,:)
    dx(:,lb(2)-hw(2):lb(2)-1) = dx(:,ub(2)-hw(2)+1:ub(2))
    dx(:,ub(2)+1:ub(2)+hw(2)) = dx(:,lb(2):lb(2)+hw(2)-1)
endfunction getGridSpacingXWithHalo

pure function getGridSpacingYWithHalo(self,halowidth,periodic) result(dy)
  !! Returns grid spacing array in y-direction including halo cells.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  integer(kind=ik),dimension(2),intent(in) :: halowidth
    !! Integer width of halo region
  logical,intent(in) :: periodic
    !! If `.true.`, halo cells will be updated with values corresponding to 
    !! periodic boundary conditions 
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: dy
    !! Grid spacing in y [m]
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub,hw => halowidth)
  dy = 0
  dy(lb(1):ub(1),lb(2):ub(2)) = self % dy
  ! Set halo values for periodic boundary conditions
    dy(lb(1)-hw(1):lb(1)-1,:) = dy(ub(1)-hw(1)+1:ub(1),:)
    dy(ub(1)+1:ub(1)+hw(1),:) = dy(lb(1):lb(1)+hw(1)-1,:)
    dy(:,lb(2)-hw(2):lb(2)-1) = dy(:,ub(2)-hw(2)+1:ub(2))
    dy(:,ub(2)+1:ub(2)+hw(2)) = dy(:,lb(2):lb(2)+hw(2)-1)
endfunction getGridSpacingYWithHalo

pure function getSurfaceTension(self) result(surface_tension)
  !! Returns the surface tension [N/m].
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self 
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: surface_tension
    !! Surface tension [N/m]
  surface_tension = self % spectrum % getSurfaceTension()
endfunction getSurfaceTension

pure function getAirDensity(self) result(air_density)
  !! Returns the air density [kg/m^3].
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self 
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: air_density
    !! Air density [kg/m^3]
  air_density = self % spectrum % getAirDensity()
endfunction getAirDensity

pure function getWaterDensity(self) result(water_density)
  !! Returns the water density [kg/m^3].
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self 
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: water_density
    !! Water density [kg/m^3]
  water_density = self % spectrum % getWaterDensity()
endfunction getWaterDensity

pure subroutine setDepth(self,depth)
  !! Sets the mean water depth [m].
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: depth !! Mean water depth [m]
  call self % spectrum % setDepth(depth)
endsubroutine setDepth

pure subroutine setElevation(self,elevation)
  !! Sets the mean water elevation [m].
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self 
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: elevation 
    !! Mean water elevation [m]
  call self % spectrum % setElevation(elevation)
endsubroutine setElevation

pure subroutine setGravity(self,grav)
  !! Sets the gravitational acceleration [m/s^2].
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: grav
    !! Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]
  call self % spectrum % setGravity(grav)
endsubroutine setGravity

pure subroutine setSurfaceTension(self,surface_tension)
  !! Sets the surface tension [N/m^2].
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: surface_tension
    !! Surface tension [N/m^2]
  call self % spectrum % setSurfaceTension(surface_tension)
endsubroutine setSurfaceTension

pure subroutine setAirDensity(self,air_density)
  !! Sets the air density [kg/m^3].
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: air_density
    !! Air density [kg/m^3]
  call self % spectrum % setAirDensity(air_density)
endsubroutine setAirDensity

pure subroutine setWaterDensity(self,water_density)
  !! Sets the water density [kg/m^3].
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: water_density
    !! Water density [kg/m^3]
  call self % spectrum % setWaterDensity(water_density)
endsubroutine setWaterDensity

pure subroutine setSpectrum1d(self,spectrum)
  !! Sets the 1-d spectrum array. This procedure is overloaded by the
  !! generic procedure setSpectrum.
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  type(spectrum_type),dimension(:),intent(in) :: spectrum
    !! Input 1-d array of spectrum object instances
  integer(kind=ik) :: i,j
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub)
  do concurrent(i=lb(1):ub(1),j=lb(2):ub(2))
    self % spectrum(i,j) = spectrum(i)
endsubroutine setSpectrum1d

pure subroutine setSpectrum2d(self,spectrum)
  !! Sets the 2-d spectrum array. This procedure is overloaded by the
  !! generic procedure setSpectrum.
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  type(spectrum_type),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: spectrum
    !! Input 2-d array of spectrum object instances
  integer(kind=ik) :: i,j
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub)
  do concurrent(i=lb(1):ub(1),j=lb(2):ub(2))
    self % spectrum(i,j) = spectrum(i,j)
endsubroutine setSpectrum2d

pure subroutine setSpectrumArray1d1d(self,spectrum_array)
  !! Sets the spectrum instances based on input spectrum array.
  !! This implementation is for omnidirectional spectrum in 1-d space (1d-1d)
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),intent(in) :: spectrum_array
    !! Spectrum array
  integer(kind=ik) :: i,j
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub)
  do concurrent(i=lb(1):ub(1),j=lb(2):ub(2))
    call self % spectrum(i,j) % setSpectrum(spectrum_array(:,i))
endsubroutine setSpectrumArray1d1d

pure subroutine setSpectrumArray1d2d(self,spectrum_array)
  !! Sets the spectrum instances based on input spectrum array.
  !! This implementation is for setting 1-d spectrum into 2-d physical space
  !! of 2-d spectrum into 1-d physical space.
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:),intent(in) :: spectrum_array
    !! Spectrum array
  integer(kind=ik) :: i,j
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub)
  if(lb(2) == ub(2))then
    ! Setting 2-d spectrum into 1-d physical space
    do concurrent(i=lb(1):ub(1),j=lb(2):ub(2))
      call self % spectrum(i,j) % setSpectrum(spectrum_array(:,:,i))
    ! Setting 1-d spectrum into 2-d physical space
    do concurrent(i=lb(1):ub(1),j=lb(2):ub(2))
      call self % spectrum(i,j) % setSpectrum(spectrum_array(:,i,j))
endsubroutine setSpectrumArray1d2d

pure subroutine setSpectrumArray2d2d(self,spectrum_array)
  !! Sets the spectrum instances based on input spectrum array.
  !! This implementation is for directional spectrum in 2-d space (2d-2d)
  class(domain_type),intent(inout) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:,:,:),intent(in) :: spectrum_array
    !! Spectrum array
  integer(kind=ik) :: i,j
  associate(lb => self % lb,ub => self % ub)
  do concurrent(i=lb(1):ub(1),j=lb(2):ub(2))
    call self % spectrum(i,j) % setSpectrum(spectrum_array(:,:,i,j))
endsubroutine setSpectrumArray2d2d

pure function frequencyMoment(self,n) result(moment)
  !! Returns the spectral frequency moment of order n.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! Spectrum instance
  integer(kind=ik),intent(in) :: n !! Order
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: moment
  moment = self % spectrum % frequencyMoment(n)
endfunction frequencyMoment

pure function wavenumberMoment(self,n) result(moment)
  !! Returns the spectral frequency moment of order n.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! Spectrum instance
  integer(kind=ik),intent(in) :: n !! Order
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: moment
  moment = self % spectrum % wavenumberMoment(n)
endfunction wavenumberMoment

pure function meanPeriod(self)
  !! Returns the mean wave period [s] for the whole domain.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: meanPeriod
    !! Mean period [s] array
  meanPeriod = self % spectrum % meanPeriod()
endfunction meanPeriod

pure function meanPeriodZeroCrossing(self) 
  !! Returns the zero-crossing mean wave period [s] for the whole domain.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: meanPeriodZeroCrossing
    !! Mean period [s] array
  meanPeriodZeroCrossing = self % spectrum % meanPeriodZeroCrossing()
endfunction meanPeriodZeroCrossing

pure function significantWaveHeight(self) result(hs)
  !! Returns the significant wave height [m] for the whole domain.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self
    !! Domain instance
  real(kind=rk),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: hs
    !! Significant wave height [m] array
  hs = self % spectrum % significantWaveHeight()
endfunction significantWaveHeight

subroutine writeJSON(self,filename,minify)
  !! Writes a spectrum instance to a JSON file.
  class(domain_type),intent(in) :: self !! `domain` instance
  character(len=*),intent(in) :: filename !! JSON file name
  logical,intent(in) :: minify !! Logical switch to minify the JSON file
  type(json_core) :: json
  type(json_value),pointer :: ptr
  call json % initialize(no_whitespace=minify,real_format='ES')
  call json % create_object(ptr,'')
  call json % add(ptr,'lb',self % grid % getLowerBounds())
  call json % add(ptr,'ub',self % grid % getUpperBounds())
  call json % add(ptr,'x',pack(self % grid % getAxisX(),.true.))
  call json % add(ptr,'y',pack(self % grid % getAxisY(),.true.))
  !call json % add(ptr,'lon',pack(self % grid % getLongitude(),.true.))
  !call json % add(ptr,'lat',pack(self % grid % getLatitude(),.true.))
  call json % add(ptr,'u',pack(self % u,.true.))
  call json % add(ptr,'v',pack(self % v,.true.))
  call json % add(ptr,'eta',pack(self % eta,.true.))
  call json % add(ptr,'depth',pack(self % depth,.true.))
  call json % add(ptr,'frequency',self % getFrequency())
  call json % add(ptr,'directions',self % getDirections())
  call json % add(ptr,'spectrum',&
                  pack(self % getSpectrumArray([0,0],.false.),.true.))
  call json % print(ptr,trim(filename))
  call json % destroy(ptr)
endsubroutine writeJSON
endmodule mod_domain